Further to our recent assessment, IIP North of England has confirmed that Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP has successfully achieved The Standard accreditation against the 6th Generation Investors in People Standard. As a firm we have held Investors in People accreditation for over 25 years.

Organisations that meet the world recognised Investors in People Standard reflect the very best in people management excellence. Underpinning the Standard is the Investors in People Framework. Based on 25 years of leading practice, the latest research and workplace trends, the Investors in People Framework is organised around 9 key indicators of high performance each with three underpinning themes: leading; supporting; and improving. Following the context meeting, employee interviews and observations Fiona Bruce Solicitors very successfully passed all nine and the various sub sections of the IIP Assessment noting specific strengths:

• people at all levels consciously consider the firm’s values and act in line when making decisions and when making business decisions;

• leaders trust and support people to make decisions in line with their level of responsibility and people feel empowered to make decisions and act upon them;

•  recognition and reward is appropriate, creating a culture of appreciation where people are motivated to do their best; and

• roles are designed to deliver organisational goals by creating clear accountability and avoiding duplication of effort across teams with each role designed with clear decision-making authority.

The conclusion of the assessment was that Fiona Bruce Solicitors has met the requirements of the Investors in People VI generation framework at a Developed level. Thank you to all our staff for helping us achieve this standard and making the firm such a positive environment to work in.

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The contents of this post do not constitute legal advice and are provided for general information purposes only