On 28 November 2023, the Department for Education published a report on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on UK jobs and training. The report found that the following are expected to be the most impacted by AI:
Professional occupations. In particular, those in finance, law and business management, and those associated with clerical work. This category includes management consultants, business analysts, accountants and psychologists.
The finance and insurance sector. Other sectors that have a high exposure include information and communication, professional, scientific and technical, property, public administration and defence, and education.
Workers in London and the South-East. This reflects the greater concentration of professional occupations in those areas. Workers in the North-East are in jobs with the least exposure across the UK.
Workers with higher levels of education. This reflects the fact that they typically have jobs more exposed to AI.
The top five apprenticeship standards leading to jobs most exposed to AI were found to be business analyst, accountancy or tax specialist, associate project manager, data technician and assistant accountant.
The least affected industries are agriculture, forestry and fishing, transport and storage, motor trades, construction, and accommodation and food services. The least affected professions were found to be veterinarians, radiographers, dentists, physiotherapists and senior police officers. Trades such as roofing, tiling, plastering, bricklaying and gardening were also least likely to be affected.
When giving advice we may have to tick a box to confirm that we are not in fact robots…
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