We all get them – those calls, texts and spam emails promising us compensation if we have been injured in an accident in the last 3 years. Contrary to popular belief, these messages do NOT come from solicitors! Solicitors are prohibited from cold calling in this way. These annoying communications almost certainly come from claims management companies. If they follow the rules about consent, this is legal.
According to exclusive YouGov research carried out for campaign group the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL), 89% of people say they want a total ban on calls and texts about injury claims. APIL is campaigning for an amendment to the Data Protection and Digital Information (No. 2) Bill, currently going through parliament, to bring in a total ban.
The YouGov research found that 20.4 million (38%) of UK adults had a cold call or spam text about injury compensation in the 12 months up to June 2023. Based on that research and Office for National Statistics data an estimated 134 million cold calls or texts were generated in just 12 months.
APIL wants a proper ban on cold calls and spam texts which tout for personal injury claims business. Many calls go to the elderly and vulnerable, who can be distressed at being contacted about a supposed legal claim they know nothing about. Such calls are extremely intrusive and invasive.
If you have been involved in an accident and believe that you are entitled to compensation the best place to seek advice is from known and trusted solicitors.
The contents of this post do not constitute legal advice and are provided for general information purposes only ■